Corporate office photography commission for our client LHH Penna at their refurbished offices in Gracechurch Street. Dan has worked with this client over the last couple of years and knows their style and requirements well. They asked us to come in and capture the feel and working environment of their newly fitted out offices and we spent a day with their staff capturing generic images of the daily flow of their business and how the new space worked for them.
We tried to capture as many images in a reportage manner and avoid have to set up any shots. This works well up to a point but sometimes an area or situation that is on the shot list is not being used and we have to stage a photograph in this instance. Saying that you still can add elements of ‘fly on the wall’ as you can ask the people to talk about business or holidays just to keep them relaxed and avoid them focusing on the fact they are being photographed.
Most of these selection photos are to be used on their website as backgrounds and banner images. We photographed with this in mind as you have to shoot much wider to accommodate the banner crop and allow for the subjects to sit well within the photographic composition.
© Corporate Photography Ltd