Posts for Tag: photographer

Networking photography

Grantly Lynch

Helping companies look approachable and professional with contemporary event photography.

Recent corporate event photography taken at a networking conference. These are a few selected samples from the shoot which show how I have captured the interaction between people at the event and how they are listening to the speakers. Most networking event photography is wide shots of a conference room full of people.This does show the event, but misses the important factor of people actually networking and what they are gaining from the event.

© Photographer Grantly Lynch 07831 366136 email

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Event photographer London

Photographic commissions in The City by London photographer Grantly Lynch






Helping companies look approachable and professional with contemporary event photography.

Grantly Lynch 07831 366136 or email

Recent corporate event photography at The London Stock Exchange.







This was a very nice commission for a corporate photographer. The London Stock Exchange is a great location for corporate event photography. There was plenty of room for me to source some good angles and even though the lighting was pretty low the range and lighting design made for interesting contrasts. Plus they do very good rolls for lunch.

Event Photographer London © Grantly Lynch 07831 366136