Posts for Tag: london

Business Headshots

Recent selection of business headshots for Shoosmiths Solicitors.
One of the senior partners mentioned that I had been working with them for over 14 years now. This was the portrait I did of him that ran as an ad in the FT. Shot on black and white film T.Max 3200.

Business headshots © Grantly Lynch 07831 366136 or email

My new London photo journal which features a collection of modern and vintage images of London.

Networking photography

Grantly Lynch

Helping companies look approachable and professional with contemporary event photography.

Recent corporate event photography taken at a networking conference. These are a few selected samples from the shoot which show how I have captured the interaction between people at the event and how they are listening to the speakers. Most networking event photography is wide shots of a conference room full of people.This does show the event, but misses the important factor of people actually networking and what they are gaining from the event.

© Photographer Grantly Lynch 07831 366136 email

Portfolio Event photography blog or corporate photographer blog

Good things people have said LinkedIn Recommendations and my About Me profile.